Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Planned Parenthood

Lucky for me, I was able to both meet and hear the President and CEO of Central and Southeast Michigan Planned Parenthood speak on Monday.  Saying she was an incredible speaker would be quite the understatement.  I have long supported this organization (willing to accept backlash) because they are unafraid to support the women that so many other health clinics turn away. 

Did you know that 95% of the services rendered at PP are healthy-women exams such as pap smears, gyn exams, breast exams, pre-natal care?  Did you know that they will never turn away a woman OR man who walks in their doors looking for pregnancy or STD testing or even both?  Did you know that PP has an educational component that teaches TRUE (accurate) information about pregnancy, contraception, abortion and female-body care? 

I recognize that so many people are passionately against abortion and this right that women have.  I myself am not a huge fan; BUT I would much rather women have a safe place to go to like PP than to have to turn to back alley/coat hanger/dangerous methods.  I can't convince everyone to believe what I believe, but I can support a movement that will keep women safe! 

Every woman who seeks an abortion does so for her own personal reason.  HER reason is NOT political; it's personal and very well thought through.  Abortion is not something to take lightly, and isn't taken lightly because of the required counseling and questioning.  What are your reasons for supporting anti-choice or pro-choice movements?  Is it wise to say "never"?   

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