Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Since I've been sick all weekend and have done little more than lay around for the past 72+ hours, I have watched loads of broadcasts focusing on Hurricane Irene.  I am watching some at the moment, actually, and they're showing the crazy amounts of flooding and devastation that has hit New England hard.

Something that has been bugging me is that I keep reading things on facebook about how over-hyped the storm was.  First of all, why would you EVER complain about a storm being not as strong as originally feared? Second, was it really over-hyped?

5 million + people are without power
37 people CONFIRMED dead (more are missing)
Every major road in VT is damaged
New England flooding is worse than it ever has been

I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound pleasant to me.  So yeah, it could have been worse...things can ALWAYS be worse.  But why don't we celebrate the evacuation plans that helped keep that death toll to what it is currently instead of whining about it being over kill?

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