Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daddy's and Daughters

I love my dad; like woah.  He's pretty funny, really.  Tries to be a hard ass but can't do anything about how mushy and soft he has gotten in his old age.  He drinks wine, loves boats and has done so so much for his family.  It is because of him that I'm stubborn, independent, have seen the world, and will never settle for anything less than what I want AND deserve. 

I also love country music.  There is just something about the emotion in it, and all of the stories that the songs tell.  There are soo many songs about love, family, life and the roller coaster journey of trials.  There is one out right now by Trace Adkins called Just Fishin (i think).  It's about how he takes his daughter fishing, and while she views it as fishing alone, it is really about making memories with her papa bear. 

The song means so much to me, I think, because fishing and boating has been a huge part of my relationship with my padre.  It's the only place (boating that is) where my family can relax together.  It's the one place my dad truly enjoys being, and having all of us there, he'll tell you it's stressful, but in reality he loves it.  And I have text-proof of this. 

I'm incredibly grateful for my parents, and for what they've been able to bless our family with.  I love him for all that he has given up in his life for us and all that he continues to do to provide for our happiness and well being.  I would NEVER trade my fishing memories in for anything, they've helped me become who I am today. 

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