Sunday, October 16, 2011


I love going to the Apple Orchard.  It is such an amazing experience.  Between seeing cute families and adorable little kids, the donuts and the is practically heaven on earth. 

I was able to go to Spicer's (best orchard around) today with my brother and sister.  My padres have been in Key West since Wednesday and are enjoying their summer-extension while we got to enjoy fall!  Brother and sister don't like apples, so we didn't go apple picking, but we still enjoyed going down the slide (see photo), eating donuts, and looking at the massive pumpkins.  We also did WINE TESTING.  Six free samples! I'm telling you, best orchard ever.

And yes, I DID EAT DONUTS!  I gave myself the gift of eating whatever I please today.  I ate donuts and Pizza Hut.  It has been a tummy ache filled day, but oh so worth it to experience the joys of food-freedom every once in awhile.  It is also a great reminder to why I am on the diet I am on.  I feel icky right now; tummy aches and a horrible headache.  It is helpful to know that there are direct consequences from straying from my diet.

#17: an amazing day spent with my siblings.  

Have you been to the orchard this year?  If not, GO!

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