Monday, September 26, 2011

A Goal, A Project

Since I have SO much free time (...) I decided to embark on a project.  It's called 1000 gifts.  I follow a few people on twitter and blogger that have done it so I looked in to it.  Basically, instead of complaining and looking for all of the "wrong" things, I am going to spend time in the upcoming months/however long it takes, to name 1000 things that I am grateful for.  I will be blogging about the process, the gifts, and how it feels.  I will also be tweeting some of the gifts :) (@jackiepolen).  Join me in this LARGE but EXCITING undertaking.

And because I like having lots of things to do, I am hoping to encourage others to do the same through my experience with this.  If you're curious about the process, or interested in how it's going...ASK :)

...#1.. sleeping babies, cool breeze and time to work on my project...

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