Monday, February 14, 2011

The Breakup

You've seen the movie, right? It's awful! Well Saturday night (at home), my padres ditched my hermanito and I and I needed entertainment. Unfortunately, I thought The Breakup would provide some entertainment.  Instead, for 2 hours of my life, I watched a couple argue, scream, fight, bicker and act like ridiculously misbehaved children. 

My dad caught the tail end of it, and kept commenting on how strange the movie was, "Yes dad, the movie sucks".  He kept saying that it told an important lesson, COMMUNICATE. 

So, as a free gift to those of you who read, if you have a sweetheart on this silly make-believe holiday; make sure you are communicating well.  If not, if you don't enjoy the person, if it's not fun, if you're not headed the same place in life... GET THE F**K OUT. 

1 comment:

  1. haha i really hated that movie but did you see the part that nick's brother was imitating at my party? haha
