Monday, April 2, 2012

Autism Awareness Day

Just last week a report came out that found that 1/88 children is affected with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders).  Researchers postulate that the dramatic increase is a result of better diagnostic tools, and our ever changing environment. 

My current internship has me working so closely with those with Autism and their families, and it is such a difficult disorder to treat.  Not because of the disorder, because I assure you that these kids are incredibly easy to love...but educating parents, peers, and the public about the disorder is so hard!  People are resistant to accommodating others.  Our culture is incredibly resistant to broadening the scope of "normal".  We refuse to normalize, for example, handicaps, mental impairments, mental health, homosexuality, and the list goes on.  Why?

With my students, the most important thing I tell them every week is to question everything you see, read, hear, and experience.  Question the status quo, question the way things are, and never take the tried and true phrase of "well that's just the way it is...." as a good enough explanation.  We decide our culture and societies' future.  And our generation can use this power for good, or we can choose to not take advantage of this power at all. 

So on this day, April 2, 2012, wear blue.  Celebrate the children with ASD.  Love on them.  And teach and educate the public about how we can widen our scope of normalcy to accommodate more people and children.

Anthony, my favorite 7 year old, taught me about how motivating the ever so popular fun. song can be.  He told me how proud he is of being young after belting out this song one morning.  Let's be proud of who we are in efforts of giving others the opportunity to be proud, as well.

In support of Autism Awareness, please support Judson Center Autism Connections by eating at Pizza House in Ann Arbor between 10:30 am Wednesday and 4 am Thursday.  Proceeds will help those with Autism attend summer camps and social skills groups. 

#191: Weekends with this really great man I know. 
#192: Cuddling with the cutest puppy around.
#193: The look on the boys' faces this morning when I walked in to their house.  Between dogs and kids, I always feel loved!
#194: Music to match my mood at any moment.
#195: Really good doctors, advanced medicine, and the ability to treat our loved ones.
#196: Gluten free, dairy free, corn free, egg free, nut free FOOD.  When it actually tastes good.
#197: This semester, and my entire first year of grad school, is almost over!  All graded work is turned in, just riding out the rest of classes
#198: Almost done with my students this round!  Ready for them to move on...not that I don't love (some of) them
#199: Comfy beds, warm blankets, warm sunshine, cuddles and lovin's
#200: Lots of things to look forward to this year.  I am excited for everyday.

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