Friday, November 18, 2011

Sexy Can I

Have you listened to the radio lately?  Well if you haven't, let me give you a brief description of what you can hear on the radio...

"I'm sexy and I know ittt""are you gonna love me forever...uh uh uh..or am I just a hit and runnnn"

"You da oneee"
"God gave me youu"
"We found love in a hopeless placeee"
"we own the night"
"all you are is meann"
"someone like you"

So basically, we are all going through a mental process of knowing we are damn hottt, determining the status of the relationship (one night stand or long term), deciding that the other person is "the one", going so far as to say that God gave me you, being grateful for finding the one in a hopeless place, feeling so powerful in love that you feel like you're owning the night, and then all of the sudden, boom, you hate the person and the person is mean, and you'll find someone better.

It's a complicated world that us humans live in. 

#61: Music makes commuting possible.  don't know how I would survive without being able to listen to music and sing along.
#62: Getting assignments done early because of the motivation that CMT/GAC offer.  I love how much it can make the time go by during homework time!  (unless "I'm gonna love you through it" comes on)
#63: Ever walk into potentially horrible situations? I did recently.  I made it out alive, mentally stable, and emotionally stable.  Grateful.

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