Thursday, July 28, 2016


Someone recently asked me if I work while I pump. 😂😂😂 is all my response could be. Then they said "don't they make hands free bras". 😂😂😂 again. I replied (though it was none of her business) that I use one. She then commented, "oh so you social media and pump". My face moved from polite to RBF real quick. 

While she didn't deserve an explanation, I really should've just invited her into a pump sess. Yes I use that GD "hands free" - zipper device. So for a few seconds I get to take a deep breath and think about my baby while praying I make enough milk for her today. It's a crazy thing to have such an over supply with her and struggle to express enough for her... Pumps suck to put it lightly(and pun-ly). 

After a few deep breaths and yes, maybe scrolling through my thousands of pictures of my peanut to help my let down - that's when it becomes a comedy. Pumping is a two hand sport which is why I need the hands free bra. Seriously. No one told me I'd be twisting and squeezing the bejeezus out of my once cute tits to get the milk out- isn't that why it has suction? The LC used such cute language- "breast massage" and "compression". No. It's legit squeezing, as in bruises the next day. But if I don't do that I'm left feeling engorged and wouldn't have enough for peanut so that's what we do.

Long story short- no I don't work while I pump (minus the occasional vocera call with an awkward humming in the background). And those pictures of peaceful pumps are lies.  

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