Have you been watching the GOP debates? I have been discouraged by them. I am not a GOP supporter, generally, but I still like seeing the ingenuity in the variety of candidates before the primaries when there are so many candidates. I feel like I haven't seen any ingenuity, but have been disappointed over and over again.
I am realizing, too, how much we need to be aware of the policies and bills that are current in congress or the senate (both state and federal). Citizens have lots of swaying power when it comes to writing their legislators. Currently, Michigan is trying to revamp the no-fault insurance policy in the state. They are trying to put a cap on the amount insurers are required to pay out in terms of health related accident needs. This is being framed as saving individuals on their premiums. In reality, if you are hurt in an accident, that $250 k will go by incredibly quickly. Educate yourself on the policy, and write your legislator. I don't care what side your on, actually...I just want our politicians to do what they're supposed to do, represent their constituents.
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