So I don't actually have time to explain all the reasons for why I hate fox news, but this video is a really great example of how sexist, racist and blatantly ignorant they truly are.
This video/interview is in response to a court case that made it all the way to the Supreme Court. A girl was strip searched simply because some one suggested she had Tylenol on her. Yeah...
I think it is important for everyone to see this. Whether you love Fox news, hate all news, are liberal or conservative. It shows, to me, how important it is to be educated on the issues our country is facing. We think it's okay to strip search girls, okay to make fun of latina women, okay to pay women less, okay to sell a product with sex... and the list goes on. I get frustrated because few people have been educated on these issues; few people think of how history is saying HIS STORY...few people recognize that bad mouthing Detroit is making the situation 100x worse.
Watch the video. Learn something.
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