Friday, February 25, 2011


You heard correctly, I will be traveling abroad to the great land of Costa Rica for Spring Break this week!  I am excited for sun, beach and cocktails (AMEN). 


On a bit sadder note, I am still feverish, coughing, congested and not feeling well.  I fly out tomorrow morning...let's pray my head does not expload from the combination of internal and external pressure!  I HATE flying with sinus infection issues! 

When I get back in a little over a week, I expect to be tan, refreshed, and to feel MUCH  better.  Plus, once we are back it will mean only 5-6 weeks left of my Undergraduate career...what what?!  So exciting :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

1-800 Numbers

In the past two days, while I have been a victim of influenza despite getting the flu shot, I have been in BIG fights with people over the phone.  TCF and DTE are both on my shit list, big time. 

TCF thought it was okay to freeze my account since I deposited money into it the day before.  That makes sense, right? NO IT DOES NOT.  I wasn't trying to use the money I deposited, I am smart and realize it takes a few days for checks to clear, yet I couldn't even use the money that was already IN my account...MY MONEY.   They received and earful, and have unfortunately lost my business.  I can't bank there knowing I may not have access to my money at any given time...ridiculous!

I have already ranted and raved about my DTE woes, but I am continuing the fight with them today, fever and all.  I talked to a really dumb (sorry) woman today and she is having someone call me back in a few hours.  They always just say "the bill is correct".  "I don't know why it adds to that".  Geniuses work there I guess...

Be careful out there people....there are BIG dangerous when it comes to bills, money and expenses.  Why does any one want to live in a house.  Never again, thank you very much.  Give me an apartment that pays my utilities any day :) 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Please Please Please

As I sit here eating my bacon and talking to Amanda about our future Social Work education, I am struck with how much I would LOVE a GSI position. 

I have lead a discussion for 2 semesters now with undergraduate students not much younger than me.  And I love it!  I absolutely love being able to hear people's opinions and to talk about tough subjects in a safe environment, and I think I would be pretty good at lecturing and finding great guest speakers, as well!  I would LOVE it...not to mention the benefit it would have on my tuition :) :)

As for now, I will continue to work on the GSI application while praying that someone wants me to help them teach their students.  If you're the praying type, you could do so with me! 

Speaking of has definitely been a day for prayer.  Worst day ever.  But is ending pretty well with my bacon beside me.  LOVE.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today I shall rant...

Not only does my head hurt A LOT because the mail cannot find my medicine, but either my dad or Lisa got me ill.  I am not a happy camper. 

I am leaving for Costa Rica on Saturday....I hate flying with head colds.  It better get better. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


nooo, not that kind of monopoly, silly!

I really dislike monopolies, in business that is.  For example, I really dislike both Comcast and DTE.  Why?  They have NO competition in Ann Arbor, and because of that are able to be mean bullies, cost you your liver AND kidney and have horrible customer service while staying in business. 

DTE made a huge mistake...mixed my meter with the meter for the other apartment in this house.  The difference in the bills from what they paid and what I paid was about $ bill this month? $1200.  I know they are wrong...yet have no way to prove it because they keep saying they are right.  How do you argue with someone that dumb?!  So obnoxious.  I will not let them live this down. 

Friday, February 18, 2011


I rant quite frequently about my food allergies on here.  Don't expect things to change, people. 

Unfortunately this week, I consumed 3 things my body did not like.  Ketchup that mistakenly had corn syrup, beer (though I ordered cider and realized it quick) and Chipotle.  Needless to say, my stomach has been upset almost all week...and I haven't eaten much in the last 2 1/2 days.  So sadness. 

I'm booing this for many reasons.  So upset  that i missed out on quality food; couldn't work as much this week; and am now very behind on homework!

Buttt...i'm thrilled to announce that I'm getting ready to go to Indianapolis this weekend!!! yay!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why I hate Fox news

So I don't actually have time to explain all the reasons for why I hate fox news, but this video is a really great example of how sexist, racist and blatantly ignorant they truly are. 

This video/interview is in response to a court case that made it all the way to the Supreme Court.  A girl was strip searched simply because some one suggested she had Tylenol on her.  Yeah...

I think it is important for everyone to see this.  Whether you love Fox news, hate all news, are liberal or conservative.  It shows, to me, how important it is to be educated on the issues our country is facing.  We think it's okay to strip  search  girls, okay to make fun of latina women, okay to pay women less, okay to sell a product with sex... and the list goes on.  I get frustrated because few people have been educated on these issues; few people think of how history is saying HIS STORY...few people recognize that bad mouthing Detroit is making the situation 100x worse. 

Watch the video. Learn something.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Breakup

You've seen the movie, right? It's awful! Well Saturday night (at home), my padres ditched my hermanito and I and I needed entertainment. Unfortunately, I thought The Breakup would provide some entertainment.  Instead, for 2 hours of my life, I watched a couple argue, scream, fight, bicker and act like ridiculously misbehaved children. 

My dad caught the tail end of it, and kept commenting on how strange the movie was, "Yes dad, the movie sucks".  He kept saying that it told an important lesson, COMMUNICATE. 

So, as a free gift to those of you who read, if you have a sweetheart on this silly make-believe holiday; make sure you are communicating well.  If not, if you don't enjoy the person, if it's not fun, if you're not headed the same place in life... GET THE F**K OUT. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


See these sweets?  If you find a way to make any of them gluten, corn and dairy free; please give them to me.  I'm dying for something sweet, unhealthy and delicious. 
Wanna know what sucks about food allergies?  All my food is "healthy".  GIVE ME UNHEALTHY! (please)

They look scrumptious....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


"Where the Mind is Without Fear"

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection:
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action--
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

~Rabindranath Tagore 

A poem my teacher sent me.  Where is your mind today?  Where was it yesterday?  Where should it reside?   
Favorite Picture Ever. 

Friday, February 4, 2011


God heals.  In his timing. 

Old Memories

I have the memory of a goldfish in some ways, but of course the memories I HATE prefer to stick around. 

Last last mother's day (2009), my sister and I bought my mom this awesome massive frame with several slots for pictures.  The problem arises when you find out that we never filled the frame with pictures...worst children everrr. 

That brings me to the old memories..  I use to print pictures (I highly recommend them).  I haven't been on my account though for like..mmm...2+ years.  Because of that there are lots of pictures of people that I don't like, don't see and don't care to see in my shutterfly photo albums.  Regardless, it's not a big deal because I just deleted those old albums, but sometimes I just really wish the bad memories would go away....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lost Things

Today has been awful.  Well not all of it, actually, but parts of it.  I have whined about it, LOTS.. just ask my friend Lisa :)

I was at the hospital today to doula (yayy!) and I lost my parking ticket.  I was super flustered because security was being mean to me (and they were extra thick in baby areas of course).  The nurse couldn't tell me what the name of the patient was over the phone, so the security men weren't happy enough with the information I could tell them.  Anyways, the guy gave me a replacement so it wasn't a big deal.

I went to the bank today to deposit a $20 bill I had in my wallet...only to realize at the bank that I didn't have that 20 bucks anymore.  I know for SURE that I didn't spend I have no idea where it is.  NO idea.

I lost my phone today, as well.  I had to leave for D-group in a hurry today, and somewhere in the quickness, I lost my phone.  I searched for it outside, inside, at Kara's house, in my car and in my house.  I have no clue how it ended up on my chair in my house...but of course, it did. 

Ever have one of those days where so few things go right?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blizzard Warning


I can honestly say that this is the first time that I have seen describe tonight's weather in one word: Blizzard.  While I am NOT excited for the 10-16 inches of snow, I am excited that for 24 hours my world will stop...

No doctor appt
No work
No classes
No meetings

Just me, in my warm cozy house enjoying the luxuries of journaling, reading, watching TV, working out, and resting.  I am genuinely ecstatic about these happenings.