There are A LOT of popular people in this country. From celebrities to politicians to supermodels, there are some highly sought after people in this world! Most of them are of no interest to me (aside from their babies, dresses and accessories). There are, however, a few that I would love to be friends with.
1. Oprah is a phenomenon. Seriously. Everyone knows who Oprah is, but I would love to actually get to know her, and not just her interviewer-self. What does she actually believe in? It is hard to tell. I want to learn from her amazing success and her trials. Basically, I think Oprah would love me, as well. Seriously. My life is at least a little bit (barely) interesting and maybe she would help me accomplish some of my passions and dreams :) I can see it now...
yeah...she would love me...

2. Bill Maher. I love his desire to get the word out about the rational left. I say rational because I truly believe the left is more rational (guns, not supporting the less fortunate, wanting to keep troops in dangers way, not wanting to play a role in social justice in the world....all examples of some right winged views). Also, I love the fact that Maher doesn't care if he is PC. He states his opinion at the risk of ridicule and shame. This is something I'm learning. I am a liberal democrat...I do not support the right winged agenda...and yes I still believe in Jesus. I would love to sit and pick Maher's brain...about politics, about what he has seen and so much more.
3. Jim Tressel. Not only has he been couching one of the best football teams in the nation for several years now, but he also is the most poised person...EVER. The man keeps it ALL under control. Like emotion. Fumble...rarely emotion. It's incredible!! I would love to ask him about his blood pressure and his infamous sweater vests :)

4. Angelina Jolie. The woman is hot. Seriously. She's got an amazing man by her side (sorry Jen) and a beautiful family. I want to learn about her social actions...what has she done through the UN? What does she think needs done first? I would also love to play with her babies :)
There are a lot more I'm sure. But life sure would be interesting if I could spend some time with these pretty sweet people. By the way, excuse any controversial-ity on my blog. It's it has to express my views and opinions :) I accept any opinions though, but I'll keep sticking to mine :)
Be careful in the snow!
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