What are your favorite things to do? Play video games where you kill people; watch TV shows where women are hurt and poorly represented; make fun and laugh at the expense of others? This is just a small sampling of the many activities that people take place in...activities that I truly believe are hurting us in SO many ways.
I have access to guns...they aren't mine, I do NOT touch them and I dislike them, but I do have access. I also have access to games where I am able to kill people to let off steam when I'm angry. How do we draw the line? Anger makes it difficult for us to see clearly...why would we want to make this line more difficult for youth to judge by giving them insanely violent games? What's worse is that even though they have a "rating" system, it isn't as monitored as say a movie is...meaning that some games that are violent and meant (some reason) for adults can be ranked Teen...guaranteeing higher sales.

What about TV? I LOVE TV. Seriously, I do. I love being able to watch cute/good looking people live out really interesting lives. Though this is true, I think TV messes with my mind a lot more than I would like for it to. When I do homework at my house in AA I put on marathons of NCIS or SVU...both of which are kinda creepy and deal with intense crimes and people who have been emotionally affected by the crimes committed. The problem is that we, including myself, become numb to these things. So numb that when the crimes actually happen and are on the local news we don't care. Or so numb that my little brother can say that he dislikes watching the news in Kentucky because all they talk about are sad things...rapes, murders, child abuse...while joking.

When I think about how numb I am personally to the crimes, pain, and injustices that exist around me I feel guilty, kinda nauseous, and sad. I have a very big "I need to save you" issue...not because I think living my way is best, but because I really hate thinking that other people understand pain, too.
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