Monday, February 20, 2012


Flu may boost Alzheimer's risk, research suggests

Screwed. Not the good kind. The bad kind.

Check out this article, the one that has now linked the flu to Alzheimer's.

Lucky for me, research finds correlations, not causations (usually).  So maybe I will be an outlier.  I hope the same for any of you flu-getters, too!

#171: I am young enough that cures, vaccines, and treatments will improve in my lifetime.
#172: I am healthy enough to life a long life.
#173: Research leads to lots of positive things like better treatments, early detection, and complete prevention.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy 200!

Welcome to my 200th post, world!

#165: making it to 200 is impressive because I don't like sticking with things.
#166: hot tea for a sore throat.
#167: puppy cuddles on a sick day
#168: the opportunity and freedom to say "i love you" whenever i want.
#169: giggling is appropriate, cherished, allowed, and revered in my country.
#170: summer clothes shopping has now been made possible since our clothing stores like to start seasons WAY in advance

We have discussed politics, religion, love, death, gratitude, and yes, even underwear.  You have learned about my joys and my sorrows, my friends and my family.  But really, all of us are still pretty unsure about what this blog's purpose really is. 

Mostly, it serves as on outlet for my political, feminist, and liberal ideas.  Not only that, but it allows me to discuss current events, be radical, or just be personal and fluffy (ie, underwear).  I share my life with the goal of impacting anothers'.

I have readers all around the world, and what I love about that is when they contact me...which is oh so seldom, I might add.  Honestly, I used to think that my international readers were simply computers or creepy silly robots.  And maybe some of them are.  But others are women (and men) who somehow (I don't know how) came across my blog full of rants.

One woman emailed me and thanked her for offering a woman's perspective on violence.  She said that where she is from violence is expected for women.  It is never talked about, and never a crime.  She said she dreams of a life where those who hurt her friends (and her) can be punished for what they do....let's dream of that with her.

I tell you this story mostly because I need to think of my rants and raves as serving a purpose.  I may talk about underwear some days, and the Kardashians on others.  But what truly matters is that a single life, even if only one, has been touched by something on this silly blog.

The personal is political.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Victoria's Secret

I love Victoria's Secret.  Not because of anything other than the fact that they have great sales ALL the time, send me free underwear, and oh yeah, they make my favorite underwear....Remember?  But what I don't realize about Victoria's Secret is that it must sell more for Valentine's Day than for anything else.  How do I know this? I made the mistake of going on Valentine's Day because I needed a pick-me-up and buying underwear is just that!

Things that I saw:
- There were more men buying lingerie than women.  Actually there were only 2 women other than me in the store.  The PACKED store.
- This tells us two things: men procrastinate, and men buy women lingerie for Valentine's Day
- There was a high-school aged couple shopping for lingerie....TOGETHER.  So so so awkward.  I would never do that even if I had a ring to legitimize the activity.  Just too much scandalousness, and awkwardness, and she was asking if he could come in the dressing room with her and just gross.
- What this tells us is that high schoolers have no fear.  Brighton is tiny.  They could have ran in to teachers, parents, friends, anyone!
- The store was incredibly picked over.  Even my underwear choices were limited.
- This tells us that it had been a busy week for this establishment.
- Their swim suit tops don't come in Large in the store or in extra large at all.
- I can't wear swim suits.

#160: Grateful for shopping experiences
#161: Grateful for good laughs
#162: Grateful for good conversations that are longer than you realize
#163: Grateful for UHS and free health services.
#164: Grateful for doctors who are proactive and nice.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy (Day After) Valentine's Day!

I'm always a day late and a dollar short (Yay for using phrases correctly!).  But regardless, I hope you felt and experienced a LOT of love yesterday! 

Valentine's Day has lovers and haters...but I feel like I exist somewhere in between.  There is no need for a day to tell your loved one's you love them if you do that on a regular basis...but at the same time, it gives us an excuse to be extra lovey and extra celebratory!

But while you all thought it was Valentine's Day was actually this chicks birthday!  Happy Birthday to a truly amazing woman!  I love our coffee dates, our hang outs, our talks, and your hugs.  You're a great friend...and I am crazy about your life.  Thanks for allowing me to be a part of it :)

And look at this cutie!  It had been way too long, my dear Lisa.  Hope you know how much I enjoy smiling with you, laughing with you, and talking with you. 

#151: People love me.  A lot.  And that is an incredible thing.
#152: I love a lot of people.  And I love them passionately.  And want nothing but happiness for them ALL.
#153: Anthony told me I was the best Valentine.  And he tells me he loves me everyday I see him.  When a 7 year old loves you kinda rocks your world.
#154: Gracious professors and supervisors make being sick a little less miserable.  Hoping for a speedy recovery so I can get back on the bandwagon of working hard.
#155: I'm so glad that I have been blessed with two parents who love eachother lots.
#156: I've been blessed by this one guy a lot lately.  And it's kinda the most magical experience I've had.
#157: My heart is full of gratitude and love.  I feel full with joy and full of smiles. 
#158: I love walking across campus and running in to people I know, love and miss.  Yeha....I loved seeing you yesterday!
#159: I have so many more years (decades) before I get to 1000...but I simply am so excited!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Days Off

#147: Days off, at home, are few and far between.  I am grateful for a FULL Friday and Saturday of laying around, catching up on sleep, hittin the gym, and attempting to catch up on homework.
#148: Speaking of the had been awhile.  Grateful to go to a gym with LOTS of windows that overlook a beautiful lake..
#149: A non-frozen lake, may I add!! The weather in Michigan has been incredible.  Sunny, bright, and not freezing!!
#150: Though grading papers is sucking the life out of me, I am making progress!

Today I really realized how incredible my life truly is.  I was reminded of all of the privilege that I experience on a daily basis.  In sections last we, my students discussed whether or not they could be grateful for the privileges they have.  I think we can be grateful...but part of that gratitude has to translate in to working to help ALL people experience these privileges. 

So on a beautiful day like today, I spent time reflecting on how I dream of a day that your access to education, high paying jobs and health care no longer depends on your ethnicity, race, geographic location, or your gender.  I am working towards this dream by educating you all on the fact that these things DO impact access to resources and opportunities...

Check out the video series Unnatural Causes if you don't believe me...
This is but the trailer to six hours of research...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Planned Parenthood vs Susan G Komen

It all began just a few days ago when Susan G Komen spokewoman announced that as of April 1, 2012, Planned Parenthood would receive no funding from their organization.

Then the country cried out on behalf of the women that are served by Planned Parenthood.  And videos like this were created...

And women and men around the country used their voices to support such a powerful organization. 

And Then...articles like this came out today.  Komen came back and said that PP will still be eligibale for grants, even if they don't receive them.  Still shitty, really, but a better move.  The best part was that they admitted to falling in to the political warfare rather than supporting women. 

#141: Women should not be stigmatized for having sex.  It's a part of life.  I am honored to go to class every day with the people in the video above. 
#142: I like that we can laugh while we fight for the cause of women's health.  "Don't fuck with 'em, Don't fuck without 'em"
#143: A day off to enjoy being lazy and get caught up has been incredible. 
#144: While I am struggling to get through all of my grading...I recognize how grateful I am for playing a huge role in these students' academic careers. 
#145: Feeling honored, loved, cherished today.
#146: My snickerdoodle is one year old today!!!!!!  I love this puppy so much :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Boyne Highlands--Ski Trip in 15 Hours

I haven't skied  since my helicopter ride off the mountain in Saas Fe, Switzerland [which was, by the way, the first time I had ever skied].  My baby brother is on the ski team at Brighton and loves it..and with his skiing, my parents have to cart him all over Michigan for various competitions.  This past weekend, they were at Boyne Highlands and Chris and I decided to tag along...

Now let me just say that I don't actually know what I'm doing while I'm skiing and I hate going fast (in cars, boats, skis, what have you) so I am basically terrified the entire time the skis are on my feet.  BUT I also kinda love it.  I love the feeling of going down the mountain, and I love seeing the really good skiers and the REALLY REALLY tiny little babies that can ski better than they can talk. 

Boyne was absolutely gorgeous, and the drive up there was incredibly beautiful as well.  I highly recommend going :)  I find myself falling more and more in love with this state as I realize more and more that it is simply not where I am meant to live....I promise that isn't as confusing as it sounds...

What I learned in Boyne:
#136: Babies/Toddlers are people, but really small people that struggle to put words to their emotions.  Because of this, parents become frustrated easily.  My dad thinks this is okay, though, because it makes the parent feel better, and the child won't remember and then the padre can go home to his wife happy.  Not violent.
#137: My brother is becoming less of a baby in some ways, but more of a baby in others.  I guess it is his process of growing up...and growing up with so many adults who constantly have opinions on your actions. 
#138: I don't miss being a teenager at all.  And I definitely don't miss feeling like I have to fit a certain mold to be accepted.
#139: As independent as I like to think I am, I still need help all the time; with buttoning my helmet, putting on shoes, putting on mittens, and getting up when I fall down.  It may irk my independent side to admit I need help...but it's also nice knowing people will be there to help me when I ask.
#140: You're never too old for a lesson in humility.  Fall off a chair lift, then come talk to me about how cool you are.