Tuesday, January 31, 2012


#131: such an amazing thing it is that we, as Americans, can travel within our own country (state, too) and experience so many climates, terrains, and weather elements.
#132: family is a blessing not a guarantee. Grateful for mine.
#132: getting to spend time with children. They're goofy, silly, funny, and always changing.
#133: nothing better than a baby lighting up at the sight of you. Grateful to not just be a babysitter, but an integral part of the development of a child (children).
#134: school! I love school, learning, opening my mind, and learning from my peers.
#135: cars! My little red engine that could has over 20,000 miles on it now! It's fun to think of all of the places I have gone in those 20,000 miles :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Body Image

Have you ever thought about why women are so much more likely to develop an eating disorder than men are? What made this to be?

In Women's Health, I ask my students to consider where they learned about being a woman and where they learned about what "good" women look like. Most students report that they learn these things from the media, magazines, Victoria's secret and other fashion stores. If this is true, what do these places teach us?

To be sexy, to congratulate being dangerously thin, to be scantily clad and to present your body as a pleasure island for the men around you.

We congratulate people for losing weight without knowing how they're going about losing the weight. You don't have to be 70 lbs to be anorexic. Yet we never question the healthiness of our means because being thin is so important.

I have skipped meals, skipped weeks of eating and have stood in front of mirrors for hours marking every imperfection. My teenage years are a blur of disappointment. My body was never good enough for me, so seeing that it was good enough for men was my only boost of self confidence.

I tell you this because I am taking a political stand for the bodies of women and for the health of women. It is not about being liberal or conservative, but instead about wanting all women to love the way they look, an celebrate other women for how they look, too.

Use your voice. The personal is political.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I am loving teaching...seriously.  And what I am loving the most is seeing the wheels in the minds of so many start to turn; grasping the concepts of feminism and grasping how feminism has, and will continue to, impact their lives.

So few people truly understand what feminism is, and what it represents.  It has a reputation of standing for man-hating, femi-nazi's, and wanting women to rule the world...when in reality feminism represents a fight for equality, for all people based on gender, sex, sexual orientation, race, SES and more.  Feminism represents the voice of so many, and has been the movement that has made voting by females possible, reproductive choice possible, and has allowed women to enter the workforce. 

Some of my students are so tied to the social constructed gender norms for men and women, and watching their walls come down surrounding this is incredibly rewarding.  Men don't have to be the bread winners, and women are not made for nurturing and mothering alone.  We all have gifts, talents, and dreams...and who we are on paper should never stop us from achieving our dreams!

#124: I am proud to be a feminist, and grateful to live in a time and country where saying that does not put me in danger.
#125: Grateful for my role in opening the minds of so many. 
#126: Loving the fact that my students were emailing me about the Roe anniversary this weekend.  Proud moments.
#127: Excited for the day where shame behind feminism, abortion and women's rights disappears.
#128: Male feminists are sexy.  Grateful they exist.
#129: Freedom to be the woman I want to be is huge.  I am always worried about becoming too domesticated or too stereotypically womanly...but in reality I am free to be who I want to be...and if I love children, cooking, cleaning, laundry, working, and playing...well so be it :)
#130: Free Speech

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Life throws curve balls and surprises on a daily basis, and I am finding myself more and more open to these curve balls.

Everyone always says that good things happen when you least expect them, and I am starting to believe that they were all right.  I can't express how grateful I am for my life, my freedoms, and my joys.  And knowing that all of these things are blessings and not entitlements make me feel that much more lucky!

#119: Today marks the 49th anniversary of Roe v Wade.  Thankful for my rights to choice, my right to privacy and the right to decide my own future! 
#120: Thankful for the fact that I am loved by so many, cared for by so many, and appreciated by so many.
#121: Scarlet Doodle is such a blessing for my life!  I love having her to greet me when I get home ... and every time I come down the stairs.
#122: Comfy beds, comfy pillows, and comfy covers have gotten me through this weekend.
#123: Plans.  You all know I'm a planner, and I love having things to look forward to.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I love making plans.  Know what making plans means? WRITING THINGS IN MY AGENDA!!

Though this is true, I feel I may be slightly addicted to planning every moment of my life.  I write down (in my head for sure, if not on paper/my phone) all of the steps of my life...waking up, getting my bag ready, being here at noon, there at one... it's obsessive...

To give you some insight...all of my weekends from the first weekend of January until the third weekend in March is planned.  Though there may a few hours here and there unclaimed, they are largely planned and written in my planner.  Which is both confining and exhilarating!

#114: Feeling positive about school, positive about life, and positive about work...all at the same time..
#115: Finally feeling like I am getting a hang of learning student name
#116: Job searching for 2013 isn't near as stressful as those looking for jobs in 2012.  Because 2012 is today.
#117: Dreams.  Dreaming of my future. My life. My present.
#118: My family.  I love coming home to them, and I love enjoying their quirks.

Off to make more plans...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little or Plenty

I have realized of late that people talk of things in terms of their lives being full of things or void of things....
               I have NO money, but SO much to pay for...
                  I have SO much to be grateful for but SO few people to enjoy life with....
                       I have NO goals, but I have SO many desires....

What has shaped our culture in to thinking of things in terms or a lot and a little? 

It bugs me.  Lots.  Because though I could vent to you (guilty) of things I don't have enough of, isn't that complaining, or the absence of gratitude?

#109: Feeling blessed, thankful, and joyful.
#110: Seeing friends that I love and haven't seen often enough. 
#111: Safety.  Driving all day in rain, sleet, snow, ice and wind has made me grateful for my safe arrival home.
#112: The chance to disagree.  The freedom, rather, to disagree.
#113: Teaching.  It has brought countless challenges, numerous trials, and plenty of headaches...but I love the challenge, the discussions, and the insight some of my students have.
#114: Smiles.  Smiling myself and seeing smiles on the faces around me.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Disconnected to be Connected

A new game is going viral...and it's awesome!

At dinner with friends or family, place all of your phones in the center of the table.  Leave the ringers on and listen to all of the buzzing and ringing.  The first person to go for their phone has to front the entire bill.  If everyone wins (no one grabs their phone) the bill is split!

I feel challenged to do this!  Who's comin to dinner with me?!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome Back!

Back to classes, back to interning, starting teaching! Such a busy day!!

I hope those of you still on break enjoy it...and those of you in the working world don't hate me when I say my break wasn't long enough!

Still sleepy but eager to get this semester started.  I am excited about my classes and about all of the things I will be learning this semester.  It's crazy to think of how much I learned and grew last semester, and I am simply looking forward to where I'm headed this semester.  Having awesome friends to help me handle the stressful responsibilities is essential, and I'm grateful for their role in my life. 

As I start back in school I am also left thinking about what my life will look like at the end of this semester.  I would have never imagined myself at this point 4 months ago, but I am incredibly eager to see how this semester continues to shape me.  What about our education changes and shapes us?  And why is it that knowledge and understanding can change our minds so full-heartedly?

Even things like working out; what makes me motivated to go to the gym four times in one week versus four times in two months.  Or what changed my mind about my career goals?  Or what changed my mind about political stances?  

Enjoy this fourth day of 2012, friends.  And continue to ponder what leads you to change, and what leads you to mind-change and growth.  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy 2012 to all of my family and friends!  I had an amazing Christmas break this year and I couldn't be more grateful for those I got to spend time with!!

I was able to spend a couple days in Michigan with my family celebrating my brother's birthday and Christmas, a couple days celebrating Christmas in Ohio, a few days at the Houseboat, and several days celebrating the new year with friends in Columbus.  I couldn't have asked for anything more.  I am excited for what this new year will bring, and I can't wait to share it with you!

Now I'm not a resolution making type of person, but I do have goals for every semester:
1. Work on maintaining balance in my life.  Saying no is not a bad thing.
2. Always be honest about expectations, desires, needs, and wants in professional and personal situations.
3. Enjoy every moment; don't wish away the months, days, hours.  Every breath is a gift.
4. Put my health as a priority.  Headaches need to be controlled! I need time to work out and time to eat. 
5. Do something I've never done before...like a 1/2 marathon in April...or something like that :)

#104: New experiences, new friends and new adventures.
#105: Watching my buckeyes lose in Columbus was sad.  But watching the game around hundreds of other buckeye lovers was amazing. 
#106: Planning for my first teaching semester is nerve wracking but exciting.  Appreciating all of the encouragement.
#107: Nothing better than friends being excited about my life.  I'm excited about my life.  I love my life.  And I couldn't be more grateful for that fact.
#108: Columbus is an awesome city.  Not only because everyone loves the buckeyes there, but also because family life is HUGE there and there are SO many adorable, happy families there.  It's such a blessing to see smiles on the faces of little rascals.