Since I have no academic motivation, I have been working out. Lots. As in today I had to convince myself that going twice was not a good idea. I made a pro/con list. I not even joking. I have a problem.
At the gym (OPCC) the cardio equipment looks out these large windows so you can see the beautiful lake, beach and a walkway dividing the club from the grassy area before the lake. It is quite beautiful and looking out the window definitely helps the time go by.
The windows on the bottom are the gym, and where those people are standing is where the tent was... |
On Saturday, they were setting up this huge tent on this tiny little area of grass. I was so confused, but the more I watched the decorations go up, the photographer plan her shooting locations, and the groom arrive, it became obvious that they were setting up for a wedding. As I walked out of the gym, I saw the Bridal Party going into the banquet restrooms (they're huge) and I saw the groomsmen hanging out outside. The Ballroom was beautifully decorated with tons of flowers and lots of pretty center pieces.
Everything looked absolutely beautiful, but I couldn't help thinking of how awkward it would be to watch a wedding from the gym. And how awkward it would be to be watched by sweaty worker-outers on your wedding day! The tent where the ceremony took place was literally right outside the windows in the gym. So awkward!
Well when I went on Sunday I watched them tear down the tent outside. And my creeper self looked through yesterday's sign-in sheet to see if anyone was there at 3 (the time of the ceremony which I know because there was a huge blown up invitation in the entry way). And there were SEVERAL people there between 3ish and 5ish. How AWKWARD!!! I love it.
I'm totes going to try to be a wedding watcher one day. I'll report back if I get lucky. (but not the inappropriate kind of lucky. That'd be even MORE awkward.)
#26: The weather this weekend was INCREDIBLE. So beautiful, so sunny and so fall-like.
#27: Peace and Quiet. I slept for 12 hours on Saturday night. I slept in the basement to ensure no sunshine and no noise. It was glorious.
#28: NCIS marathons. They may ruin my productivity, but they keep me entertained for hours. Not to mention all of the safety tips I am learning.
#29: Tights Weather. I love wearing tights. And I love that I can wear them right now without getting too hot and without freezing my ass off.
#30: Text Messaging. I don't like talking on the phone. And now I really never need to. AND I can text my friends that live far away while doing other activities so we can be busy, and still talk :) so cute.