If you've ever had a conversation with me, you know that I can fall into swearing like a sailor. You might also know that though I will spit out my share of hells, damns, shits, and the occasional f**ks; there are some words that I refuse to use. I realize that swearing can misrepresent me, what I stand for, and I'm sure it makes me look uneducated at times. What I also know is that I have self control; my language is my choice and I decide the words that come from my mouth, and the consequences they have.
Having a teenage brother can prove to be oh so insightful at times...for instance, I am realizing more and more that guys enjoy emasculating themselves and each other in order to compensate for how they feel about themselves and each other. It is incredibly messed up and makes no sense; their words are hurtful and Psychology textbooks will undoubtedly agree with me when I say that it can have lasting effects. Sending a message that you can only be a man if you do X, Y or Z is limiting and demeaning.
Worse than that even is this stupid trend in people using the word rape to refer to anything other than a sexual assault; forced sexual interactions. While I have heard it used mostly by boys, I'm sure there are a few girls out there who say it as well. But stop for a second and think about your words: "that test raped me" or "taxes so high they rape you" etc etc (BTW I feel nauseous typing those phrases). Do you REALLY think a test or taxes can compare to the turmoil, hurt, pain, and devastation that a sexual assault causes? Well they can't. I promise. 1 in 3 women will experience a sexual assault. 1 in 9 female minors have been sexually assaulted. When you or your friend, brother, father, uncle uses this language...I guarantee you that they will say it in the presence of one of these women or girls at some point. As someone who understands, it will NOT go unnoticed and it will NOT be said without these girls and women being reminded of the pain they suffered through because a man (or woman) took the word and action of "rape" lightly.
What about the r-word; retarded. There is quite the
campaign going on to get this word banned from everyday speech and I couldn't be more excited about it. I am super passionate in general, and give me a cause to support that backs the social, emotional and overall well-being of a specifically targeted population...and I'll back it.
There are lots of words I hate. I could go on forever...but I've learned that it's best to put my efforts into a few arenas at a time.